
Major Research Areas

* Small and Macro molecule X-ray Crystallography * 3D Quantitative structure - activity relationship
* Human Molecular Genetics * Pharmacogenomics
* Cheminformatics * Quantum Pharmacology
* Computer Aided Drug Designing * Aquaculture Biotechnology
* Data mining & warehousing * Plant Bioinformatics
* Nano Drug Delivery * Molecular Oncology & Environment Toxicology

Research funds from various agencies -Ongoing

(Total Fund Received: 394.14 Lakhs)

S. No. Principle Investigator Title Funding Agencies Amount (Rs. in lakhs) Duration
1. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Understanding the Mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 RNA Replication Initiation and Proofreading for Therapeutics MOE-STARS 91.00 2024-27
2. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh
Dr. M. Karthikeyan
Identification of Potent Drug for Life Threatening Diseases DBT-NNP 144.56 2023-27
3. Dr. P. Boomi Mechanistic Investigation Involved in the Development of Hybrid Self-Assembly Prodrug Targeting Breast Cancer. DST 27.90 2023-26
4. Dr. M. Karthikeyan Nutrigenomics and Computational Prospective studies on Parkinson Disease EIR Hub of RUSA-2.0 80.00 2023-24
5. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Structural and functional characterization of phospeotransacetylase (PTA) and Acetate Kinase (ACKA) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H3R7Rv using in silico and in vitro studies. TANSCHE 29.80 2021-24
6. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh Identification of the vital targets of dengue and Chikungunya, an expanding threat to public health in Tamil Nadu: A potential drug discovery approach. TANSCHE 20.16 2021-24
7. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Structural and functional insights of potential anti-malarial drug targets of G6PD and 6PGD from Plasmodium falciparum(3D7). DST INDO-TAIWAN 73.72 2020-24

Research funds from various agencies -Completed

(Total Fund Received: 892.66 Lakhs)

S. No. Principle Investigator Title Funding Agencies Amount (Rs. in lakhs) Duration
1. Dr. M. Karthikeyan Molecular Insight and In Vitro Validation of novel lead molecules against SH3BP2 and KIT Protein ICMR 24.50 2023
2. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Experimental and Computational Drug Discovery Studies for Life-Threatening Diseases under the Central theme, Translational Health Research for Human, Animal and plant Systems RUSA 2.0 (Instalment -II) 15.63 2022-23
3. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh Mechanistic Insights to understand the Virus - Host Interactions and the identification of Next Generation Drugs to combat viral infections under the Central theme, Translational Health Research for Human, Animal and plant Systems RUSA 2.0 (Instalment -II) 15.10 2022-23
4. Dr. M. Karthikeyan Experimental and Computation Drug Discovery for Life-Threatening Diseases under the Central theme, Translational Health Research for Human, Animal and plant Systems RUSA 2.0 (Instalment -II) 11.61 2022-23
5. Dr. RM. Vidhyavathi MEDDB:Development of Specialized Antidengue Database Using Association Rule Mining Algorithm under the Central theme, Translational Health Research for Human, Animal and plant Systems RUSA 2.0 (Instalment -II) 5.22 2022-23
6. Dr. J. Joseph Sahayarayan Computational defensin profiling, chemical synthesis and assessment of bioactivity in Cucumis anguria L. against antibiotic resistant New Delhi β lactamase producers under the Central theme, Translational Health Research for Human, Animal and plant Systems RUSA 2.0 (Instalment -II) 5.22 2022-23
7. Dr. P. Boomi Greener synthesis of glutathione-metal oxide nanocomposite and its in vitro antibacterial and anticancer activities under the Central theme, Translational Health Research for Human, Animal and plant Systems RUSA 2.0 (Instalment -II) 5.22 2022-23
8. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh Scheme for Alternative Strategy to antibiotics in bacterial disease management at Alagappa University. Tamil Nadu – Higher Education Department 100 2020-23
9. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh Biophysics of Zika virus envelope protein, membrane fusion and inhibitor discovery MHRD, SPARC 97.23 2019-22
10. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Experimental and Computational Drug Discovery Studies for Life-Threatening Diseases under the Central theme, Translational Health Research for Human, Animal and plant Systems RUSA 2.0 (Instalment -I) 18.00 2019-21
11. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh Mechanistic Insights to understand the Virus - Host Interactions and the identification of Next Generation Drugs to combat viral infections under the Central theme, Translational Health Research for Human, Animal and plant Systems RUSA 2.0 (Instalment -I) 14.00 2019-21
12. Dr. M. Karthikeyan Experimental and Computation Drug Discovery for Life-Threatening Diseases under the Central theme, Translational Health Research for Human, Animal and plant Systems RUSA 2.0 (Instalment -I) 4.80 2019-21
13. Dr. RM. Vidhyavathi MEDDB: Development of Specialized Antidengue Database Using Association Rule Mining Algorithm under the Central theme, Translational Health Research for Human, Animal and plant Systems RUSA 2.0 (Instalment -I) 4.80 2019-21
14. Dr. J. Joseph Sahayarayan Computational defensin profiling, chemical synthesis and assessment of bioactivity in Cucumis anguria L. against antibiotic resistant New Delhi β lactamase producers under the Central theme, Translational Health Research for Human, Animal and plant Systems RUSA 2.0 (Instalment -I) 4.80 2019-21
15. Dr. P. Boomi Greener synthesis of glutathione-metal oxide nanocomposite and its in vitro antibacterial and anticancer activities under the Central theme, Translational Health Research for Human, Animal and plant Systems RUSA 2.0 (Instalment -I) 4.80 2019-21
16. Dr. RM. Vidhyavathi MEDDB:Development of Specialized Antidengue Database Using Association Rule Mining Algorithm RUSA 4.80 2019-20
17. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Design, Synthesis and in vitro anticancer activity of novel and potent signaling influences therapeutic outcome in pancreatic cancer vated kinase 1 (Pak1) inhibitors DAE-BRNS 30.33 2018-21
18. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Structural insights of SIRT4 protein from Homo sapiens to identify inhibitors for the treatment of Type-II diabetes ICMR 33.34 2017-20
19. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh In silico screening, theoretical calculation and in vitro studies for development of potential HIV1-PR inhibitors DBT 19.51 2016-19
20. Dr. M. Karthikeyan Computational identification and in vitro validation of small molecule inhibitors for tankyrase protein to inhibit the over expression of Wnt/ß-catenin signalling mechanism using HCA-7, HCT116 and MDST8/ HCA-46 colon cancer cell lines: A new drug target for Colorectal Cancer DBT 30.48 2016-19
21. Dr.J. Jeyakanthan Identification of Potential Anti-Filiarial drug targeted enzymes Wbm0441, Wbm0042 from Wolbachia endosymbiont Brugia malayi DST 69.38 2016-19
22. Dr. RM. Vidhyavathi Classification of hierarchical clustering with FP-Growth algorithm to analyzing and creating the solution for Chromosomal disorder AURF 0.80 2016-18
23. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Structural and Functional Insights of potential therapeutic dengue fever target STAT2 protein from HOMO SAPIENS UGC-RA 37.80 2016-18
24. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Development of Web Based Search Engines for the Analyses of Protein interactions with Nucleotides, Fatty Acids and Buffers DBT 13.81 2015-18
25. Dr.Sanjeev Kumar Singh Identification of novel drug targets of Leishmania donovani: Studies on CAAX prenyl protease I and II of the pathogen DBT-Twin 73.69 2014-17
26. Dr.M. Karthikeyan Pharmacogenomics Study of Anti Hypertensive Treatment in South Indian Population ICMR 21.15 2014-17
27. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Structural and Functional Studies of Translation Initiation factors from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 DBT-Twin 77.00 2013-16
28. Dr.J. Jeyakanthan Structural and Functional Studies of Purine Biosynthesis complex from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 DST 48.98 2013-16
29. Dr.Sanjeev Kumar Singh QM/MM partial charges, binding pocket contours analysis and FEP calculation for designing potent inhibitors of HTLV- Protease: A de novo drug design approach CSIR 16.02 2012-15
30. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Structural and Functional analysis of Orotate Phosphoribosyl transferase (TTHA1742) and Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase (TTHA0779) from Thermus thermophilus HB8 DBT 50.25 2012-15
31. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Structure and functional studies on PH0140 protein from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 UGC 12.90 2012-15
32. Dr.P. Srinivasan Development of Microarray for the detection of Bacteria / Bacteriophages and controlling measures against pathogenic bacteria from shrimp aquaculture environment DST Fast Track 23.44 2012-15
33. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Structure determination of CPS and ATCase of Thermus thermophilus HB8 and identification of potential inhibitors DBT 32.16 2012-15
34. Dr.Sanjeev Kumar Singh Computational Screening of CDK2 Inhibitors by Combined approach of Pharmacophoric study, QPLD and Molecular Dynamics Simulation analysis DST Fast Track 18.95 2011-14
35. Dr. M. Karthikeyan Investigation of binding of HA Protein with sialic acid ligand base lead identification of neuraminidase inhibitor of H1N1 2009 influenza virus CSIR 15.98 2011-14
36. Dr. P. Srinivasan Molecular characterization, molecular docking and biocontrol effect of Vibrio bacteriophages from shrimp aquaculture environment UGC 7.64 2011-14
37. Dr.Sanjeev Kumar Singh Shape and chemical feature based 3D- Pharmacophore Model generation, Virtual Screening and MESP studies to identify Potential Leads for Antifungal Azoles. UGC 7.48 2011-14
38. Dr. M. Karthikeyan Genetic polymorphisms of the essential hypertension associated genes in random subjects of the South Indian general population UGC 13.31 2010-13
39. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh Pharmacophoric analysis and designing of ATP competitive CDK 4 inhibitors AURF 4.00 2010-13
41. Dr.P. Srinivasan Genome characterization and molecular docking of Bacillus phages and their inhibitory effects against shrimp pathogenic bacteria TNSCST 1.892 2009-12
40. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh Molecular and bioinformatics analysis of Breast cancer gene polymorphisms (BRCA1 and BRAC2) in Tamilnadu population AURF 0.64 2009

Research Supported Schemes

(Total Fund Received: 299.8 lakhs)

S. No. Name of the Scheme Period Amount (Rs. in lakhs)
1. UGC Innovative 2013-18 54.00
2. DST-FIST (Level-I)
view brief report
2018-22 62.00
3. DST-PURSE (All Science Departments -Coordinator) 2016-Till Date* 700.00
4. DBT – Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Center (BIC)
view brief report
2022-26 183.80

MoU with Overseas Institutes & Universities (Ongoing)

S. No. International / National Period
1. School of Biological Science, Anyang Institute of Technology, China 2019-24
2. Institute of Genomics and Integrated Biology 2020-25
3. Vision Reserch Foundation 2021-24
4. Orbito Asia Diagnostics, Coimbatore 2022-27
5. National Synchroton Radiation Research Centre – Taiwan 2022-27
6. ICAR- National Research Centre for Bannana 2023-28
7. Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai 2023-28
8. Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore 2023-28
9. ICAR- National Research Centre for Bannana 2023-28

MoU with Overseas Institutes & Universities (Completed)

S. No. International / National Period
1. Biometal Science Dept, RIKEN, Harima Institute, Japan & SPring-8, Japan 2010-15
2. Institute of Protein Research, Osaka University, Japan 2010-15
3. RIKEN, Kanagawa, Japan 2010-15
4. School of Science, Osaka University, Japan 2010-15
5. National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC), Taiwan 2014-17
6. Nanyang Technological University, School of Biological Sciences, Singapore (Dst Indo-Singapore Joint Project Loi Established) 2014-17
7. CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow 2014-17
8. Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai 2016-21
9. IIT Madras, Chennai 2016-21
10. Institute of Experimental Medicine, Czech Republic 2016-21
11. National Institute of Health, United States of America 2016-21
12. University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom 2016-21
13. GE Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., Karnataka 2017-19
14. Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea 2017-22
15. Bishop Heber 2018-23
16. Institute of Genomics and Integrated Biology 2019-20
17. N. Ramavarier Ayurveda Foundation 2019-20
18. Vision Research Foundation 2020-21
19. Saveetha Medical College and Hospital, Chennai 2020-21

Research Collaborations

1. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 1. Nanyang Technological University for Research, Singapore
2. University of Madras, Chennai 2. National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan
3. Chhatrapati ShahuJi Maharaj University, Kanpur 3. RIKEN, Harima Institute of Japan, Japan
4. Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar 4. National Institute of Biomedical Innovation, Osaka, Japan
5. Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai 5. Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California
6. Pondicherry University, Puducherry 6. Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
7. IIT Guwahati, Assam 7. Konkuk University, South Korea
8. ICGEB, New Delhi 8. Osaka University, Japan
9. CSIR - Central Electrochemical Chemical Research Institute, Karaikudi 9. Pusan University, South Korea
10. SASTRA University, Thanjavur 10. School of Biological Science, Anyang Institute of Technology, China
11. Anna University, Tiruchirappalli
12. Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
13. Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli
14. CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow
15. CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad
16. CSIR-NCL,Pune
17. IIT Delhi
18. IIT Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
19. Jawaharlal Nehru University, NewDelhi
20. King George Medical University, Lucknow
21. National Institute of Immunology, NewDelhi
22. North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong
23. Noorul Islam University,Nagercoil
24. Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai
25. University of Mysore, Mysore
26. Bishop Heber College (Autonomous, Tiruchirappalli)
27. IIT Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
28. Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
29. Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research, Pune
30. Integral University, Lucknow
31. International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, New Delhi
32. Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Kerala
33. VIT University, Vellore
34. Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore
35. Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital (Biher) Medical College
36. CSIR-Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology, Delhi
37. N. Ramavarier Ayurveda Foundation & Institute of Genomics and Integrated Biology
38. ICAR- National Research Centre for Bannana
39. Orbito Asia Diagnostics
40. Vision Research Foundation
41. Indian Institute of Technology-Madras

Research Scholars

S. No. Name of the Student Year Fellowship E-mail
1. Muthumanickam S 2019 (ICMR-SRF) 2022-2023
2. Sangavi 2019 (RUSA 2.0- 1st) 2019-2020
3. Hemavathy 2019 DST-INSPIRE (2019 - *)
4. Abhirami R 2020 (ICMR-SRF) 2022-*
5. Raji R 2020 (ICMR-SRF) 2022-*
6. Soundar Rajan K 2021 (RUSA 2.0- 2nt) 2022-2023
7. Balasubramanian S 2021
8. Arun Pravin M 2021 (TANSCHE) 2022
9. Rudhra O 2021 (TANSCHE) 2022
10. Sushil Kumar 2021
11. Sneha S 2021 TANSCHE (2021-*)
12. Karthika A 2021 DST INDO-TAIWAN (2021 - *)
13. Muralidharan J 2021 ICMR-SRF 2022-*
14. Srinithi R 2022
15. Anushka Bhrdwaj 2022
16. Priyanka S 2022 (RUSA 2.0- 2nd) 2022-2023
17. Rubha Shri G 2022 (TANSCHE) 2023
18. Sugumaran M 2022
19. Khushboo Sharma 2022
20. Shaslinah N 2022 (RUSA 2.0- 2nd) 2022-2023
21. Bhuvaneswari N 2022 (RUSA 2.0- 2nd) 2022-2023
22. Arshiya Khan 2022
23. Vinitha S 2022 (RUSA 2.0) 2022-2023
24. Sakthi Sasikala S 2022 (RUSA 2.0) 2022-2023
25. Jeyanthi S 2022 DBT-BIC 2023-*
26. Swetha S 2022 DBT-NNP 2023-*
27. K. Heyram 2023 (RUSA 2.0) 2022-2023
28. S. Pradeep Kumar 2024 DBT-NNP 2023-*
29. Maharaja M. S. 2024 DBT-NNP 2023-*
30. Mrs Veena R. 2024
31. Maheswari N 2025 MoE-STARS 2024-*

Present Post-Doctoral Fellows/Project Scientists

        Name Contact
    Dr. C.N.Rahul
Post-Doctoral Researcher funded by DSK (2021-*)
  Structural Biology & Bio-computing Laboratory
    Dr. Manikandan J
Project Scientist - DBT-BIC (2022-*)
  Structural Biology & Bio-computing Laboratory
    Dr. B. Thiyonila
ICMR - Women Scientist (2024-*)
  Structural Biology & Bio-computing Laboratory

Past Post-Doctoral Fellows/Project Scientists

        Name Contact
    Dr. Balajee Ramachandran
Post-Doctoral Fellow funded by RUSA 2.0 (2019-2021)
    Dr. M. Nachiappan
Research Associate funded by RUSA 2.0 (2019 - 2021)

    Dr. V. M. Manikandamathavan
Post-Doctoral Fellow funded by RUSA 2.0 (2019 - 2021)
    Dr. S. Rajamanikandan
Research Associate funded by RUSA 2.0 (2019 - 2021)
    Dr. S. Usha
Post-Doctoral Fellow, D.S Kothari Fellowship (2015-2016)
    Dr. Krishna Kant Gupta
Post-Doctoral Fellow, MHRD RUSA 2.0 (2019-2020)
    Dr. Chandrabose Selvaraj
Senior Post-Doctoral Fellow, MHRD RUSA 2.0 (2019-2020)
    Dr. Venkatesh Arulalaperumal
Post-Doctoral Fellow, MHRD RUSA 2.0 (2019-2020)
    Dr. Vishwanathan Vijayan
ICMR - RA (2022-2023)
  Structural Biology & Bio-computing Laboratory
    Dr. M.Ahila
ICMR - RA (2022-2024)

  Structural Biology & Bio-computing Laboratory
    Dr. Sana Khan
Project Scientist - DBT-BIC
  Computer Aided Drug Design (CADD lab)

Research Members

        Name Contact
    Mr. Maharaja M.S.
Project Assistant
DBT-National Network Project
  Structural Biology & Bio-computing Laboratory
    Ms. Maheswari N
Project Assistant
  Structural Biology & Bio-computing Laboratory

Top Selected Publications

(Total 700 research publications )

S. No.
Impact factor
1. Rangaswamy, R., Hemavathy, N., Subramaniyan, S., Vetrivel, U., &Jeyakanthan, J. Harnessing allosteric inhibition: prioritizing LIMK2 inhibitors for targeted cancer therapy through pharmacophore-based virtual screening and essential molecular dynamics. J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 1-18. (2023). 4.4
2. Ahmad, M., Jha, B., Bose, S., Tiwari, S., Dwivedy, A., Kar, D., Pal, R.,Mariadasse, R., Parish, T., Jeyakanthan, J., Vinothkumar, K. R., & Biswal, B. K.Structural snapshots of Mycobacterium tuberculosis enolase reveal dual mode of2PG binding and its implication in enzyme catalysis. IUCrJ. (2023) 5.588
3. Karthika, A., Hemavathy, N., Amala, M., Rajamanikandan, S., Veerapandian, M., Prabhu, D., Umashankar V., Chen CJ., Chitra JP., &Jeyakanthan, J. Structural and functional characterization of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase in Plasmodium falciparum (3D7) and identification of its potent inhibitors. J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 1-17. (2023). 5.235
4. Ramachandran, B., Muthupandian, S., Jeyaraman, J.,& Lopes, B. S. Computational exploration of molecular flexibility and interaction of meropenem analogs with the active site of oxacillinase-23 in Acinetobacter baumannii. Front. Che. 11 (2023). 5.545
5. Balu, R., Ramachandran, S. S., Mathimaran, A., Jeyaraman, J.,& Paramasivam, S. G. Functional significance of mouse seminal vesicle sulfhydryl oxidase on sperm capacitation invitro. Mol. Hum. Reprod.(2022). 4.518
6. Kanumuri, R., Chelluboyina, A. K., Biswal, J., Vignesh, R., Pandian, J., Venu, A., Vaishnavi, B., Leena, D. J., Jeyaraman, J., Ganesan, K., Aradhyam, G. K.,Venkatraman, G., & Rayala, S. K. Small peptide inhibitor from the sequence ofRUNX3 disrupts PAK1-RUNX3 interaction and abrogates its phosphorylationdependent oncogenic function. Oncogene. 40(34):5327-5341 (2021) 9.867
7. Mariadasse, R., Rajmichael, R., Dwivedy, A., Amala, M., Ahmad, M.,Mutharasappan, N., Biswal, B. K., &Jeyakanthan, J. Characterization of putativetranscriptional regulator (PH0140) and its distal homologue. Cell Signal. 84,110031 (2021) 4.315
8. Ahmad, M., Dwivedy, A., Mariadasse, R., Tiwari, S., Kar, D., Jeyakanthan, J., & Biswal, B. K. Prediction of small molecule inhibitors targeting the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. ACS omega, 5(29), (2020). 18356-18366. 4.132
9. Murugan, N. A., Kumar, S., Jeyakanthan, J.,& Srivastava, V. Searching fortarget-specific and multi-targeting organics for Covid-19 in the Drugbank databasewith a double scoring approach. Sci Rep.10(1),19125.(2020). 5.133
10. Murugan, N. A., Muvva, C., Jeyarajpandian, C., Jeyakanthan, J.,& Subramanian, V. Performance of Force-Field- and Machine Learning-Based Scoring Functions in Ranking MAO-B Protein-Inhibitor Complexes in Relevance to DevelopingParkinson's Therapeutics. Int J Mol Sci. . 21(20), 7648. (2020) 5.923
11. Chaudhary, S. K., Elayappan, M., Jeyakanthan, J., & Kanagaraj, S. Structural and functional characterization of oligomeric states of proteins in RecFOR pathway. IntJ Biol. Macromol.163, 943-953. (2020). 6.953
12. Mariadasse, R., Choubey, S. K., &Jeyakanthan, J. Insights into Exogenous Tryptophan-Mediated Allosteric Communication and Helical Transition of TRP Protein for Transcription Regulation. J Chem Inf Model. 60(1), 175–191. (2020) 4.956
13. Chaudhary, S. K., Iyyappan, Y., Elayappan, M., Jeyakanthan, J.,& Sekar, K.Insights into product release dynamics through structural analyses of thymidylatekinase. Int J Biol Macromol. 123, 637–647. (2019). 6.953
14. Nachiappan, M., Jain, V., Sharma, A., Yogavel, M., &Jeyakanthan, J. Structuraland functional analysis of Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (TtGlnRS) from Thermusthermophilus HB8 and its complexes. J Biol Macromol.120(Pt B), 1379–1386.(2018). 6.953
15. Jagadeeshan, S., Subramanian, A., Tentu, S., Beesetti, S., Singhal, M., Raghavan, S., Surabhi, R. P., Mavuluri, J., Bhoopalan, H., Biswal, J., Pitani, R. S.,Chidambaram, S., Sundaram, S., Malathi, R., Jeyaraman, J., Nair, A. S.,Venkatraman, G., & Rayala, S. K. P21-activated kinase 1 (Pak1) signalinginfluences therapeutic outcome in pancreatic cancer. Ann Oncol.27(8), 1546–1556.(2016). 32.976
16. Vijayakumar, S., Manogar, P., Prabhu, S., Singh, S. K., Singh, R. A. S. (2018). Novel ligand-based docking; molecular dynamic simulations; and absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion approach to analyzing potential acetylcholinesterase inhibitors for Alzheimer's disease. Journal of pharmaceutical analysis, 8(6), 413-420. 14.02
17. Dwivedi, A., Kumari, A., Aarthy, M., Singh, S. K., Ojha, M., Jha, S., Jha, N. S. (2021). Spectroscopic and molecular docking studies for the binding and interaction aspects of curcumin-cysteine conjugate and rosmarinic acid with human telomeric G-quadruplex DNA. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 182, 1463-1472. 8.02
18. Chinnasamy, S., Selvaraj, G., Selvaraj, C., Kaushik, A. C., Kaliamurthi, S., Khan, A., Singh, S. K., Wei, D. Q. (2020). Combining in silico and in vitro approaches to identification of potent inhibitor against phospholipase A2 (PLA2). International journal of biological macromolecules, 144, 53-66. 8.02
19. Suryanarayanan, V., Rajavel, T., Devi, K. P., Singh, S. K*. (2018). Structure based identification and biological evaluation of novel and potent inhibitors of PCAF catalytic domain. International journal of biological macromolecules, 120, 823-834. 8.02
20. Shanmuganathan, B., Suryanarayanan, V., Sathya, S., Narenkumar, M., Singh, S. K., Ruckmani, K., Devi, K. P. (2018). Anti-amyloidogenic and anti-apoptotic effect of α-bisabolol against Aβ induced neurotoxicity in PC12 cells. European journal of medicinal chemistry, 143, 1196-1207. 7.08
21. Jeyakumar, M., Sathya, S., Gandhi, S., Tharra, P., Suryanarayanan, V., Singh, S. K., Devi, K. P. (2019). α-bisabolol β-D-fucopyranoside as a potential modulator of β-amyloid peptide induced neurotoxicity: An in vitro in silico study. Bioorganic chemistry, 88, 102935. 5.30
22. Khan, M. A., &Singh, S. K.* (2023). Atom-based 3D-QSAR and DFT analysis of 5-substituted 2-acylaminothiazole derivatives as HIV-1 latency-reversing agents. Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics, 41(14), 6759–6774. 5.23
23. Choudhary, P., Bowmen, A., Chakdar, H., Khan, M. A., Selvaraj, C., Singh, S. K., Murugan, K., Kumar, S., & Saxena, A. K. (2022). Understanding the biological role of PqqB in Pseudomonas stutzeri using molecular dynamics simulation approach. Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics, 40(9), 4237–4249. 5.23
24. Pandey, B., Aarthy, M., Sharma, M., Singh, S. K., Kumar, V. (2021). Computational analysis identifies druggable mutations in human rBAT mediated Cystinuria. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 39(14), 5058–5067. 5.23
25. Kumar, D., Aarthy, M., Kumar, P., Singh, S. K., Uversky, V. N., Giri, R. (2020). Targeting the NTPase site of Zika virus NS3 helicase for inhibitor discovery. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 38(16), 4827-4837 5.23
26. Jayaraj, J. M., &Muthusamy, K. (2023). Role of deleterious nsSNPs of klotho protein and their drug response: a computational mechanical insights. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 1-11. 5.235
27. Loganathan, L., Sankar, J., Rajendran, K., &Muthusamy, K. (2023). Theoretical investigation on known renin inhibitors and generation of ligand-based pharmacophore models for hypertension treatment. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 1-10. 5.235
28. Vinitha, S., Karthikeyan, M. (2023). Hub Gene signals associated with cognition among children: A computational insight. Journal of Biomolecular structure and Dynamics. 5.235
29. Kanitha, S., Malarvili, T., Lakshmanan, L., &Karthikeyan, M. (2020). In silico docking analysis of a novel antimicrobial peptide against human breast cancer targeting β-catenin. The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, 12(9). 6.3
30. Loganathan, L., Kuriakose, B. B., Mushfiq, S., &Muthusamy, K. (2021). Mechanistic insights on nsSNPs on binding site of renin and cytochrome P450 proteins: A computational perceptual study for pharmacogenomics evaluation. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 122(10), 1460-1474. 4.429
31. Pattarayan, D., Sivanantham, A., Krishnaswami, V., Loganathan, L., Palanichamy, R., Natesan, S., Muthusamy, K., and Rajasekaran, S. (2018). Tannic acid attenuates TGF‐β1‐induced epithelial‐to‐mesenchymal transition by effectively intervening TGF‐β signaling in lung epithelial cells. Journal of cellular physiology, 233(3), 2513-2525. 4.08
32. Devi, T. S., Vijay, K., Vidhyavathi, R. M., Kumar, P., Govarthanan, M., & Kavitha, T. (2021). Antifungal activity and molecular docking of phenol, 2, 4-bis (1, 1-dimethylethyl) produced by plant growth-promoting actinobacterium Kutzneria sp. strain TSII from mangrove sediments. Archives of Microbiology, 203, 4051-4064. 4.219
33. Sahayarayan, J. J., Rajan, K. S., Vidhyavathi, R. M., Nachiappan, M., Prabhu, D., Alfarraj, S., & Daniel, A. N. (2021). In-silico protein-ligand docking studies against the estrogen protein of breast cancer using pharmacophore based virtual screening approaches. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 28(1), 400-407. 4.4
34. Johnson, J., Lakshmanan, G., Vidhyavathi, R. M., Kalimuthu, K., & Sekar, D. (2020). Computational identification of MiRNA-7110 from pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) ESTs: a new microRNA that links diabetes and PAH. Hypertension Research, 43(4), 360-362 5.525
35. Panagal, M., Biruntha, M., Vidhyavathi, R. M., Sivagurunathan, P., Senthilkumar, S. R., & Sekar, D. (2019). Dissecting the role of miR-21 in different types of stroke. Gene, 681, 69-72. 3.913
36. Chandrasekaran, M., Paramasivan, M., &Sahayarayan, J. J.(2022). Microbial volatile organic compounds: An alternative for chemical fertilizers in sustainable agriculture development. Microorganisms, 11(1), 42. 4.5
37. Panikar, S., Shoba, G., Arun, M., Sahayarayan, J. J., Nanthini, A. U. R., Chinnathambi, A., & Kim, H. J. (2021). Essential oils as an effective alternative for the treatment of COVID-19: Molecular interaction analysis of protease (Mpro) with pharmacokinetics and toxicological properties. Journal of Infection and Public Health, 14(5), 601-610. 6.7
38. Sahayarayan, J. J., Rajan, K. S., Vidhyavathi, R., Nachiappan, M., Prabhu, D., Alfarraj, S., & Daniel, A. N. (2021). In-silico protein-ligand docking studies against the estrogen protein of breast cancer using pharmacophore based virtual screening approaches. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 28(1), 400-407 4.4
39. Sahayarayan, J. J., Rajan, K. S., Nachiappan, M., Prabhu, D., Rao, R. G. R., Jeyakanthan, J., & Morgan, A. M. (2020). Identification of potential drug target in malarial disease using molecular docking analysis. Saudi journal of biological sciences, 27(12), 3327-3333. 4.4
40. Sahayarayan, J. J., Udayakumar, R., Arun, M., Ganapathi, A., Alwahibi, M. S., Aldosari, N. S., & Morgan, A. M. (2020). Effect of different Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains for in-vitro hairy root induction, total phenolic, flavonoids contents, antibacterial and antioxidant activity of (Cucumis anguria L.). Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 27(11), 2972-2979. 4.4
41. Boomi, P., Raj, J. A., Palaniappan, S. P., Poorani, G., Selvam, S., Prabu, H. G... & Langeswaran, V. K. (2018). Improved conductivity and antibacterial activity of poly (2-aminothiophenol)-silver nanocomposite against human pathogens. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology,178, 323-329. 6.252
42. Murugesan, B., Sonamuthu, J., Pandiyan, N., Boomi, P., Samayanan, S., & Mahalingam, S. (2018). Photoluminescent reduced graphene oxide quantum dots from latex of Calotropis gigantea for metal sensing, radical scavenging, cytotoxicity, and bioimaging in Artemia salina: a greener route. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 178, 371-379. 6.252
43. Ravichandran, A., Subramanian, P., Manoharan, V., Muthu, T., Boomi, P., Periyannan, R., Thangapandi, M., & Marimuthu, P. N. (2018). Phyto-mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles using fucoidan isolated from Spatoglossum asperum and assessment of antibacterial activities. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 185, 117-125. 6.252
44. Boomi, P., Ganesan, R. M., Poorani, G., Prabu, H. G., Ravikumar, S., & Jeyakanthan, J. (2019). Biological synergy of greener gold nanoparticles by using Coleus aromaticus leaf extract. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 99, 202-210. 7.328
45. Sonamuthu, J., Cai, Y., Liu, H., Kasim, M. S. M., Vasanthakumar, V. R., Boomi, P.,& Yao, J. (2020). MMP-9 responsive dipeptide-tempted natural protein hydrogel-based wound dressings for accelerated healing action of infected diabetic wound. International journal of biological macromolecules, 153, 1058-1069. 6.957
46. Boomi, P., Poorani, G. P., Selvam, S., Palanisamy, S., Jegatheeswaran, S., Anand, K., & Prabu, H. G. (2020). Green biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles using Croton sparsiflorus leaves extract and evaluation of UV protection, antibacterial and anticancer applications. Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 34(5), e5574 4.105
47. Boomi, P., Ganesan, R., Prabu Poorani, G., Jegatheeswaran, S., Balakumar, C., Gurumallesh Prabu, H., & Saravanan, M. (2020). Phyto-engineered gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) with potential antibacterial, antioxidant, and wound healing activities under in vitro and in vivo conditions. International journal of nanomedicine, 7553-7568. 6.400
48. Kasinathan, K., Marimuthu, K., Murugesan, B., Pandiyan, N., Boomi, P, Mahalingam, S., & Selvaraj, B. (2021). Cyclodextrin functionalized multi-layered MoS2 nanosheets and its biocidal activity against pathogenic bacteria and MCF-7 breast cancer cells: Synthesis, characterization and in-vitro biomedical evaluation. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 323, 114631. 6.165
49. Gowrishankar, S., Muthumanickam, S., Kamaladevi, A., Karthika, C., Jothi, R., Boomi, P., & Pandian, S. K. (2021). Promising phytochemicals of traditional Indian herbal steam inhalation therapy to combat COVID-19–An in silico study. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 148, 111966 6.023
50. Sankar, M., K, L., Jeyachandran, S., &Boomi, P. (2021). Screening of inhibitors as potential remedial against Ebolavirus infection: pharmacophore-based approach. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 39(2), 395-408. 5.235
51. Vivekanandhan, K., Shanmugam, P., Barabadi, H., Arumugam, V., Daniel Raj Daniel Paul Raj, D., Boomi, P., Sivasubramanian, M., & Saravanan, M. (2021). Emerging therapeutic approaches to combat COVID-19: present status and future perspectives. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 8, 604447. 5.246
52. Sankar, M., Ramachandran, B., Boomi, P, Mutharasappan, N., Ramasamy, V., Prabu, P. G., & Ebenezer, S. K. (2021). In silico screening of natural phytocompounds towards identification of potential lead compounds to treat COVID-19. Frontiers in molecular biosciences, 8, 637122. 4.105
53. Muthumanickam, S., Kamaladevi, A., Boomi, P., Gowrishankar, S., & Pandian, S. K. (2021). Indian ethnomedicinal phytochemicals as promising inhibitors of RNA-binding domain of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid phosphoprotein: an in silico study. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 8, 637329. 5.246
54. Muthumanickam, S., Indhumathi, T., Boomi, P., Balajee, R., Jeyakanthan, J., Anand, K., & Jiang, Z. (2022). In silico approach of naringin as potent phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) protein agonist against prostate cancer. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 40(4), 1629-1638. 5.235
55. Muthumanickam, S., Ramachandran, B.,Boomi, P., Jeyakanthan, J., Prabu, H. G., Jegatheswaran, S., & Premkumar, K. (2023). Combination of bendamustine-azacitidine against Syk target of breast cancer: an in silico study. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 1-13. 5.235

Books/Book Chapters

Total No of Books/Book Chapters: 59

S. No. Name of the Faculty Title of the Book Title of the Chapter/ Monographs Publisher ISBN No.
1. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Molecular Interactions Today & Tomorrows Printers and Publishers, 2015 978-81701951 16
2. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Frontiers in Protein Structure, Function, and Dynamics. Experimental and Computational Methods to Determine Protein Structure and Stability Springer, USA 978-981-15-5529-9
3. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Frontiers in Protein Structure, Function, and Dynamics. Synergistic Effects of Hydration Sites in Protein Stability: A Theoretical Water Thermodynamics Approach. Springer, USA 978-981-15-5529-9
4. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Computation in BioInformatics: Multidisciplinary Applications Prospects of Covalent approaches in Drug Discovery: An Overview. Scrivener, USA 978-111-96-5480-3
5. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan In Molecular Docking for Computer-Aided Drug Design 3D Structural Determination of Macromolecules using X-ray Crystallography Methods. Molecular Docking for Computer-Aided Drug Design. Elsevier, Netherlands 978-012-8 2-2312-3
6. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Marine Niche: Applications in Pharmaceutical Sciences Marine Microbial Pharmacognosy: Prospects and Perspectives. Springer Nature, USA 978-981-15-5016-4
7. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Handbook of Microbial Nanotechnology Microbial Bio-Based Polymer Nanocomposite for Food Industry Applications. Elsevier, Netherlands 978-012 -8 2-2312-3
8. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Bio prospecting of Microbial Diversity. Microbes and their products as novel therapeutics in medical applications Elsevier, Netherlands 978-0-12-8 23426-6
9. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Bioplastics from Microbial and Agricultural Biomass. Applications of Biodegradable Materials and Bioplastics. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA 2021 978-1-119-52674-2
10. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan In Alzheimer's Disease: Recent Findings in Pathophysiology, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities Computational Development of Alzheimer’s Therapeutics and Diagnostics. Royal society of Chemistry, UK 9781782628330
11. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Advances in Protein Molecular and Structural Biology Methods. Methods and applications of machine learning in structure-based drug discovery Academic Press, USA 9780323902649
12. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Current drug metabolism Structural Modelling of Drosophila melanogaster Gut Cytochrome P450s and Docking Comparison of fruit fly gut and human cytochrome p450s Bentham Science, UAE 2022 978-981-5050-24-0
13. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan In Handbook of Oxidative Stress in Cancer: Therapeutic Aspects Efficacy of synthetic organic molecular inhibitors of TRAF2 and NCK interacting kinase (TNIK) against colorectal cancer Springer Nature, Singapore 98116929 04
14. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan An integrative approach to explore potent therapeutic protein targets in multidrug resistant nosocomaial pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii. Therapeutic protein targets for drug dicovery and clinical evalution: Bio-crystallography and drug design. World scientific 978-981-12-5478-9
15. Dr. J. Jeyakanthan Implications of Immuno-oncology in Immunodiagnostics and Immunotherapy MJP Publication 978-93-5528-175-3.
16. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh In QSAR in Safety Evaluation and Risk Assessment Advances in QSAR through artificial intelligence and machine learning methods Elsevier, 2023 ISBN:978-0-443-15339-6
17. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh In Computational Drug Discovery and Design Exploring the Role of Cheminformatics in Accelerating Drug Discovery: A Computational Approach Springer US 978-93-81450-62-8
18. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh In Computational Drug Discovery and Design Virtual Screening Process: A Guide in Modern Drug Designing Springer US 978-93-81450-62-8
19. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh IIn Resistance to Anti-CD20 Antibodies and Approaches for Their Reversal Therapeutic antibodies against cancer a step toward the treatment Elsevier 978-0-443
20. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh In Big Data Analytics in Chemoinformatics and Bioinformatics Artificial intelligence, big data and machine learning approaches in genome-wide SNP-based prediction for precision medicine and drug discovery Elsevier 978- 0-323-85713-0
21. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh In Therapeutic Protein Targets for Drug Discovery and Clinical Evaluation Bio-Crystallography and Drug Design Exploring the Shock and Kill Strategy to Eradicate Latent HIV-1 Infection. World Scientific Publishing 978-981-125-480-2
22. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology Exploring the macromolecules for secretory pathway in cancer disease Springer US 978-1-53610-504-9
23. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology Transcriptional regulatory mechanisms and signaling networks in cancer Elsevier 978-0-443- 15820-9
24. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology Intrinsically disordered proteins in viral pathogenesis and infections Elsevier 978- 0-323-99780-5
25. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology Structure and Chemistry of Enzymatic Active Sites that play a role in the Switch and Conformation Mechanism Elsevier 978-0-323-99229-9
26. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology Immunological insights of selectins in human disease mechanism. Elsevier 978-0-323-99227-5
27. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology Viral hijacking mechanism in humans through protein–protein interactions Elsevier 978-0-323-9923
28. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh In Herbs, Shrubs, and Trees of Potential with Medicinal Benefits Embelia ribes (False Black Pepper) and Gymnema sylvestre (Sugar Destroyer) Springer 9781032070360
29. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology Envisaging the conformational space of proteins by coupling machine learning and molecular dynamic Elsevier 978-0-323-90264-9
30. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology Structural insights of macromolecules involved in bacteria-induced apoptosis in the pathogenesis of human diseases Elsevier 978-0-323- 90264-9
31. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh Traditional Herbal Therapy for the Human Immune System (pp. 301-362). Molecular features of potential medicinal plants compounds in enhancing human immune systems Elsevier 9781032122243
32. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh In Advances in Bioinformatics Chemoinformatics and QSAR Springer 978-0-12-821748-1
33. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh Evolution and Advancement towards Therapeutic Drug Delivery Computational and Experimental Binding Interactions of Drug and β-Cyclodextrin as a Drug-Delivery Vehicle. Nanomaterials Springer 978-1-68108-824-2
34. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh In Microbial Polymers Eco-friendly Microbial Biopolymers: Recent Development, Biodegradation, and Applications Springer 978-981-16-0044-9
35. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh In Innovations andImplementations of Computer Aided Drug Discovery Strategies in Rational Drug Design Magnitude and Advancements of CADD in Identifying Therapeutic Intervention against Flaviviruses. Springer 978-981-15- 8935-5
36. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh In Innovations and Implementations of Computer Aided Drug Discovery Strategies in Rational Drug Design Predicting Protein Folding and Protein Stability by Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Computational Drug Discovery Springer 978-981-15-8935-5
37. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh In Bio-communication of Phages Phage Protein Interactions in the Inhibition Mechanism of Bacterial Cell. Springer 978-3-030-45884-3
38. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh In Biocommunication of Phages Bacteriophage as a Therapeutic Agent to Combat Bacterial Infection: A Journey from History to Application. Springer 978-3-030-45884-3
39. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh In Synthetic Biology Medicinal Application of Synthetic Biology Springer 978-981-10- 8692-2
40. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh In Synthetic Biology Omics-based nanomedicine Springer 978-981-10-8693-9
41. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh Methods in molecular biology De Novo Design of Ligands Using Computational Methods Springer 978-1-4939-7755-0
42. Dr. M. Karthikeyan A short practical manual for Genetics Arun Publications
43. Dr. M. Karthikeyan Concepts and Applications in Medical Genetics Arun Publications
44. Dr. M. Karthikeyan Genetic Engineering Arun Publications
45. Dr. M. Karthikeyan Essential Bioinformatics Raja Publications 978-93-80243-52-8
46. Dr. M. Karthikeyan Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology Methods Raja Publications 978-93-80243-53-5
47. Dr. M. Karthikeyan Concepts in Medical Biotechnology Raja Publications 978-93-80243-46-7
48. Dr. M. Karthikeyan Biophysics, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics – (Course material for DDE) (Dept. of Zoology, Directorate of distance education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi)
49. Dr. M. Karthikeyan Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants Metabolic Disorders: Importance of in silico approaches in the plant based drug discovery Studium Press 978-1930813120
50. Dr. M. Karthikeyan Alzheimer’s Disease & Treatment Drug Targets and Therapeutic Approaches of Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s ebook
51. Dr. M. Karthikeyan Advances in Medicine and Biology Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics: A Combinatorial Genetic and Computational Approach for the Drug Development Nova Science Publishers 978-1-68507-402-9
52. Dr.RM. Vidhyavathi Application of IoT Science and Technology Enhancing Innovations and Leading Future World in IoT. IoT Academy Publisher 978-93-93622
53. Dr.RM. Vidhyavathi Perspectives on Social Welfare Applications’ Optimization and Enhanced Computer Applications Advanced Method of MOB-I App Used for Medical and Agriculture. Perspectives on Social Welfare Applications’ Optimization and Enhanced Computer Applications 978-1668483077
54. Dr.RM. Vidhyavathi Neural Networks for Dengue Prediction An Optimal Feature Selection with Neural Network-Based Classification Model for Dengue Fever Prediction Conference: 2023 6th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON) 23115390
55. Dr. J. Joseph Sahayarayan Perspectives on Social Welfare Applications Optimization and Enhanced Computer Applications. Advanced Method of MOB-I App Used for Medical and Agriculture IGI Global 978166848306
56. Dr. J. Joseph Sahayarayan Computation in Bioinformatics: Multidisciplinary Applications Basic Concepts in Proteomics and Applications Wiley Online Library 9781119654711
57. Dr. P. Boomi Handbook on Nano-biomaterials for Therapeutics and Diagnostic Applications Emerging Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Mediated Controlled and Targeted Drug Delivery System: Present Status and Future Prospects Elsevier 9780128210130
58. Dr. P. Boomi Handbook on Nano-biomaterials for Therapeutics and Diagnostic Applications Theranostics and radiopharmaceuticals in cancer treatment Elsevier 9780128210130
59. Dr. P. Boomi Computation in Bioinformatics: Multidisciplinary Applications An Insight of Protein-Structure Predictions Using Homology Modeling Wiley 978111965471, 9781119654711

Patent Details

S. No. Patent App. No. Inventor’s Name Title of the Patent Patent filed on Patent Published on
1. 202141046236 Dr. A. Sivaranjini
Dr. R. Subashkumar
Dr. P. Boomi
Dr. S. Santhosh Baboo
Dr. B. L. Shivakumar
A. Aswini
Dr. J. Jeyakanthan
Dr. H. Gurumallesh Prabu
Dr. P. Sagadevan
A Process For Extraction of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Using Green Synthesis 1/11/2021 3/12/2021
2. 202241057508A Dr. Dhamodharan Prabhu
Dr. Sundarraraj Rajamanikandan
Ramasamy palaniappan
Dr. Jeyaraman Jeyakanthan
Synergistic formulation for preventing antibiotic resistance effect of serratia marcescens 7/10/2022 14/10/2022